
A New Form of Faith

Pure Power

Purify your life with the power of Aqua-sama. Master the strongest recovery magic.


Grow together with companions and participate in fun church events. We are always waiting for new friends.

Divine Protection

With Aqua-sama's blessing, protect yourself from the undead and fill your daily life with blessings.

Axis Creeds

The Axis Church can get things done. And because you can get things done, even if it doesn't go well, it's not your fault! It's society's fault that things don't work out!
You can run away from unpleasant things! That doesn't mean you've lost! Because, as they say, "Sometimes running away is winning"!
The answer you come to after being in doubt is usually something you'll regret, no matter what you choose! If you're going to regret it anyway, do whatever's easiest for you in the moment!
Do not fear growing old. Not even God knows whether you will be happy in the future, so you should, at least, be happy now!
Thou hikikomori who is at a lost. Don't blame yourself too much... It is the world's fault that thou don't want to work hard, it is thy environment's fault that your personality is twisted, it is thy gene's fault for being ugly. Don't blame thyself, just push the blame to others...
The seventh doctrine of Axis Cult: You shall not endure. Drink when you want to drink. Eat when you want to eat. Because you might not get to eat it tomorrow...
Since it's pointless anyway, go ahead and try it. If you failed, then just run away.
Rest easy, God forgives all. Thou shalt love big breasts. Thou shalt love small breasts. The Axis faith teaches forgiveness in all things. Whether you're a lolicon, a NEET, or a questionable-human fan of animal-eared girls. As long as you're not interested in undead or devil girls, you have love in your heart and you don't break the law, all will be forgiven.

Faithful follower, I will share holy words that will help you avoid demonic temptation:

Eris pads her chest!!!